Студенти от УХТ показаха оригинални идеи за бизнес в състезанието „Предприемач на бъдещето“
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4th EMCEI 20–23 October 2022 Sousse, Tunisia 500 abstracts already submitted… Join us in Tunisia and submit your abstract! We welcome participants from all over the World! Submit a short abstract (max. 350 words) by: 20 June 2022 (extended deadline, due to several requests)
Dear colleague, The editorial office of the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration in collaboration with Springer organizes the 4th EMCEI. On this occasion, we are pleased to invite you to take part in the conference (in-person or virtually) and share/discuss your latest research findings from various fields of environmental sciences. Visit our website (www.emcei.net) to learn more about the event. 4th EMCEI Keypoints:
We are looking forward to cordially welcoming you at the 4th gathering of the EMCEI community from the Mediterranean countries and all over the world.
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